Star Trek: The Original Series

Star Trek: The Original Series created by Gene Roddenberry, originally aired on NBC from September 8th, 1966 to June 3, 1969. It spanned three seasons until the show was cancelled. Trek TOS starred William Shatner as Captain James T. Kirk, Leonard Nimoy as Mr. Spock, and DeForest Kelley as Dr. Leonard "Bones" McCoy.

The main cast includes Captain Kirk, Mr. Spcok, Bones, Second Officer and Chief Engieer Montgomery "Scotty" Scott, Communications officer Nyota Uhurua, Helmsman Hikaru Sulu, Navigator Pavel Chekov, Head Nurse Christine Chapel, and Yoeman Janice Rand.

For the purposes of this shrine, I'll mainly be talking about the Triumverate (Kirk, Spock, and McCoy.)

I'll also discuss some other characters briefly and some of my favorite episodes!

Anyhow, enough introductory yapping- let's get to trekkin'!

Captain James Tiberius Kirk

Captain Kirk of the U.S.S. Enterprise!

Captain Kirk's full name is James Tiberius Kirk. In the original series, Captain Kirk is played by William Shatner, who is the Enterprise's Captain for the entirety of The Original Series' run, except for the series pilot, The Cage, where we see Captain Christopher Pike. Kirk's Debut episode is the first official airing episode, The Man Trap. James T. Kirk was born in the year 2233 in Riverside, Iowa, by parents George and Winona Kirk. Kirk became the first and only student at Starfleet Academy to pass the unpassable test, the Kobayashi Maru, reprogramming the computer to make a no-win scenario winnable. Kirk then went on to become the youngest Starfleet Captain after gaining command of the Starship Enterprise.

First Officer Spock

Mr. Spock of the U.S.S. Enterprise!

In the original series, Spock is played by Leonard Nimoy, he is the Enterprise's First Officer for the duration of the Original Series' run. Spock is present in the pilot, The Cage. Spock, born to The Vulcan Sarek, and the human Amanda Grayson, is only half-Vulcan, something which causes Spock mental and emotional distress. Spock, upon his admittance to the Vulcan Science Academy, decides not to go and to pursue Starfleet instead. He did not speak to his father for the following eighteen years.

Chief Medical Officer McCoy

Leonard "Bones" McCoy of the U.S.S. Enterprise!

Leonard McCoy was born in Atlanta Georgia in the year 2227. McCoy attended the University of Mississippi, and was married, then divorced to an unnamed wife. In For The World Is Hollow and I Have Touched The Sky, Bones marries Natira, the priestess of Yonada. It wasn't until the year 2266 that McCoy was posted as Chief Medical Officer unker Captain Kirk of the U.S.S. Enterprise. The nickname, Bones, which was chosen before McCoy was named, is a play on words of the term 'sawbones' used to describe 19th century surgeons.

Other fun Characters!

Lieutenant Commander Montgomery Scott

Montgomery Scott, or better known as Scotty, is Second Officer and Chief Engineer. Scotty loves the Enterprise as if it were his own baby, going as far as starting a fight when a Klingon insults the ship in Trouble With Tribbles.

Lieutenant Nyota Uhura

Uhura serves as the communications officer under Captain Kirk, making her arguably one of the most important crewmembers on the bridge. Uhura has a musical talent and often takes to singing in her downtime.

Ensign Pavel Andreievich Chekov

Ensign Chekov is the young, sort of green ensign of the group, brought onto the show to appeal to teenage audiences. Chekov is an 'extrodinary young man'- and Honor graduate of the Space Academy.

A fun little tidbit about Chekov is the fact that in the second Star Trek Original Series Movie, The Wrath of Khan, Khan recognizes Chekov as one of Kirk's former crew, however, in the season one episode Space Seed, Chekov is not yet a character in the show. Chekov isn't introduced to the Original Series until season two!

My Top Five Original Series Episodes!

  1. The City On The Edge of Forever
  2. Arena
  3. The Menagerie Part II
  4. The Menagerie Part I
  5. Mirror, Mirror